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tamoadmin 2024-06-11 人已围观

简介1.关于英语足球作文2.英文翻译 有关足球(中译英)3.关于中国足球的英语作文4.中国足球之城 用英语怎么说在中国足球比网球更普及英文如下:Football is more popular than tennis in China。拓展:足球是一项在全球范围内广受欢迎的运动。它起源于英国,现在已经成为世界上最受欢迎的运动之一。足球比赛通常由两支队伍进行,每队有11名球员。目的是将球射入对方球门得分


2.英文翻译 有关足球(中译英)


4.中国足球之城 用英语怎么说



Football is more popular than tennis in China。








标题 A Better Tomorrow(《英雄本色》就是这么翻译的)

As the world's most famous and health sports,Football means happy and glory, But on the contrary in China ,whoever talks about it,what we feel must be pity or sad,I know everyone must has a question like me:Why! Why we couldn't pick 11 good players play a good game for our nation.

The National Football Team had fight for manny years,but the fact is that they realy didn't give us a good answer, and at the same time they gave all of us a hard question :if National Football Team still have hope? Yes ,The answer is true,we still have hope .Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things,and no good thing ever dies.We will never let our hope die ,because we have good foundations,we have good players,we have good fans,we have millions of supporters, and the most important thing is that we have confidence, that we have confidence let our lost glories back,let our lost victories back,let our lost dignity back.

Now is time to get red;now we have a good header coach ,"Gao Hongbo";and under his leadership our team is becoming better and better'. Once I had a dream that one day our team will standout of the world summit in the future .and I know the day is coming.

写的不好 有一定错误,仅供参考 ,呵呵

英文翻译 有关足球(中译英)

Football in China

When I still was a small child,I have formed an unrealistic picture of my future life,I thought that I will become an excellent football player or become other sport player.I shall help China team fly out Asia and attend the world cup of FIFA to get illustrious achievement,so I shall owe my sky which like a sort of paradise.But with my growth,the other side of the picture appeared,furthermore it was quite the opposite.My life should be in an office instead of a football field.My former picture only is a dream which never come true.There is not an element of truth in the first picture,and it is unnecessary to have opportunity to find out.The China football is too disappointed to us!

In recent years,I only wish the China football team stay at the top grade of Asia longer.But it is impossible.The China football team just likes a badly damaged boat,but Korea,Iran and Japan like aircraft carriers.So China team has draggled out and away.The boat continually sinks and should have it repaired.Now they have fallen to be the third grade of Asia football scopes,and they so much as can not defeat Singapore team.The Australia team which nearly eliminated the powerful Italy team at the field of world cup has joined the Asia football scopes,but this does not prove to be problem.The Chinese football officer will instigate the Australia team join the Europe football scopes.Certainly the instigated countries include Korea,Iran,Japan and Singapore too.Hence,the China football team would be genuinely sorry that they would not appreciate the wonderful celebration action of the above teams for score when they have a match each other in a same field.



Football is an ancient physical,historic activity,which is Originated from the ancient China a ball game after game called cuju ", "

Through the arabs to spread to Europe, it has developed into modern football. Therefore, football is the hometown of China.

But modern football in Britain,of which the origin is the 11th century, Danish invasions in England. One day, when people in England, accidentally dug dig battlefield

A few Danish skull. remind

The Danish invasions of sin, the England man angry, they lift is hard to play at skull, anger, and quite

Sleep is playing football. Then, modern football

In 1896 in Greece held the first Olympic Games, football is an exhibition project. From the first two games in 1900,

Football is classified as official event.

中国足球之城 用英语怎么说

One day, the weather was fine. Siu-ming and a group of small partners into a green lawn for . They are divided into two teams, one team is red team, a team of the yellow team. Xiao-Ming Huang team is team Scud. Soon as the whistle, the football from the personal side, crossed the red team's Xiaogang what a Scud, the football played high, and far off. "Ah, scored a net of the yellow team!" Red team members were excited to cheer for him desperately, and some emotion is so intense it will be Xiaogang high toss. This makes yellow team members were very angry, and Scud-Xiao Ming can be angry it! He played much football kick put the football on the ground Gulugulu to roll forward, Xiao-Ming Qi Gugu, the cheek side of a transparent shed sweat, the mouth pursed, hot pursuit of letting go. Catching up with her aunt to one of the window, stood on a windowsill that a pot of bright red aunts of the most beloved of the Chinese rose. Xiao-Ming is too angry, and kicked the football kicked the air, -shun straight from the air fall to the sill of the basin of Chinese rose knocked over. Xiao-Ming, see things were not going to immediately adopt the football to whom Aunt's doorstep. "Dongdong Dong", Xiao-Ming Qiaoliaojixia door gently. Squeak ----- Suddenly the door opened, and before him stood an aunt, aunts, kindly, said: "Come in", Xiao-Ming for aunt sat on the sofa, Small said: "Auntie, I am sorry, I put you The pot shattered. "aunt, said:" Never mind, you are really honest child! "Xiao-Ming Zizi sweet heart, and happily go home.一天,天气晴朗。小明和一群小伙伴们到一片绿油油的草坪上踢足球。他们分为两队,一队是红队,一队是黄队。小明在黄队是队里的飞毛腿。在一声哨声下,足球从各个人身旁冲过,红队里的小刚一下一个飞毛腿,把足球踢得高高的,远远的。“呀,踢进黄队的网里了!”红队的队员们激动地拼命为他喝彩,有些激动得太厉害的将小刚高高抛起。这使黄队队员们愤怒极了,飞毛腿小明可生气呢!他一脚就把足球踢得远远的,足球在地上骨碌骨碌地滚动着,小明气鼓鼓的,脸颊边流下了透明的汗珠,噘着小嘴,紧追不放。直追到一个阿姨家的窗前,窗台上放着那个阿姨最心爱的一盆红艳艳的月季花。小明实在太生气了,一脚把足球踢到半空中,足球顺时间从半空中直掉下来,把窗台上的那盆月季花打翻了。小明见情况不妙,立即抱上足球到那位阿姨的家门口。“咚咚咚”,小明轻轻地敲了几下门。吱-----的一声,门开了,他面前站着一位阿姨,阿姨亲切地说:“请进”,小明让阿姨坐到沙发上,小明说:“阿姨,对不起,我把你的花盆打碎了。”阿姨说:“没关系,你真是个诚实的孩子!”小明心里甜滋滋的,高高兴兴地回家了。 43




the Soccer City of China


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